Tuesday, March 27, 2007

À attendre, je me fais vieille

J'attends encore! J'ai su que la compagnie avait appelé mon ancienne patronne pour obtenir des références. C'était lundi midi. Donc, soit ils ont des difficultés à trouver mes autres références, soit ils ont vérifié mes références mais ils ont changé d'idée, soit ils préparent une offre. J'ai hâte de savoir. I'm starting to feel really bad about potentially leaving work, so I want to get this thing done and out in the open. Maybe tomorrow!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Petit down...

Je suis, évidemment, encore en attente d'une réponse de la compagnie américaine. Ma dernière entrevue était mercredi. J'ai aussi envoyé des autorisations et mes références mercredi. J'ai reçu un courriel jeudi, me disant qu'ils me donneraient une réponse avant jeudi de la semaine prochaine. Je sais qu'il n'ont pas appelé ma référence principale encore, alors je me demande ce qui se passe. Je pensais avoir bien fait durant l'entrevue, mais je n'arrête pas de penser à ce que j'aurais du dire. J'aimerais vraiment beaucoup avoir ce poste...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

And the waiting begins... again!

J'ai passé ma troisième entrevue aujourd'hui. Je pense que ça c'est bien passé. Si je suis honnête, je pense que je l'ai, mais je ne veux pas vendre la peau de l'ours avant de l'avoir tué! Je dois attendre des nouvelles des ressources humaines. Au moins, ils ont semblés compréhensifs à propos de la date de début, donc je m'inquiète un peu moins à ce propos. Ils m'ont aussi parlé de Montréal, et de Toronto, donc je pense que les possibilités sont encore ouvertes. Stay tuned, more to come!

Friday, March 16, 2007

A third interview, at long last!

I finally got a call for my third interview. It's going to be next Wednesday, and I look forward to it. I'm also crapping my pants, but that's another story!

Of course, I'm still trying to convince myself that I shouldn't feel bad about leaving, even though I accepted the acting director role. I guess I'll cross the bridge when I get there!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

How long can it take to schedule an interview?

Still no news about the interview. I understand that they've never held one in Montreal and that they need to find a location, but how long can it actually take? I know these things take time and that I shouldn't be so impatient, but it's hard not knowing.

I've been given a new opportunity at work. I was asked to be acting Exec Director while they look for a replacement. It's going to be an exciting experience, and it's making me a little nervous. It starts in a week and in the meantime, everything I have to do is making me realize how much I don't want to do this job anymore. I can't wait to get out!

Accepting this acting position is making me feel bad about potentially having to leave though. I think my communications colleague will leave shortly, which would mean two new hires plus the exec's replacement, and no one to take charge of the office if I left as well. Still, I guess I gave them a lot over the last 8 years, and it's okay to think of myself.

That's what I'll keep telling myself.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Still waiting to go on a journey

I started this blog while waiting to see if I would get the job which would take me "in town for a week". Among the hard things to consider about this opportunity is leaving home, and my family. So, I imagined myself writing this blog to stay in touch with them. I would take pictures of the cities I visited and post them on this blog, along with impressions of my group for the week, my visits and my hotel room. I even pictured myself taking pictures of my hotel room bedspread... why do these things have to be so ugly anyway? I promised myself that I would take at least one night a week to visit something. I even wondered what resources existed to help me decide what to visit in each city, if I could only visit one, where to get good coffee, and so on. I guess you could say I have an overactive imagination!

I obviously haven't yet given this blog address to anyone, as I feel quite ridiculous having started it without knowing if I'll get the job... I have a third interview sometime next week. My first thought was that since I get to have a third interview, I'm pretty much in already, but today I learned that the third interview would actually be one to one and a half hour long, the longest so far, which makes me think that the first two were actually pre-screens and that this is the real interview.